

Panchakarma is a therapeutic method in Ayurveda medicine associated with profound internal effects aimed at removing toxins from a particular part of the body that has already been prepared for detoxification through Purvakarma. Metabolism and physiological processes are corrected as the body is released from heavy metals, residual metabolites, non-degraded food residues, radioactive agents, free radicals, or any other toxic substances.

Treatment Of Purification & Detox

A sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle causes our body to store toxic secretions – “Ama”. This forms a sticky substance and is difficult to be excreted from the body. We can release these toxins from our body through the Ayurveda treatment systems of Purvakarma and Panchakarma.
PURVAKARMA is a combination of external procedures, which stimulate the zones where toxins and waste products accumulate and  beautify the body. These procedures help the body prepare for internal purification therapies.

Results Of Purification & Detox

  • It helps the healthy patients maintain their health and it helps the ill patients achieve good health.
  • These Ayurvedic procedures and treatments result in the balance and normal, active functioning of the body.
  • 50% of the heavy metals and waste products are purged from our body.
    The body is rejuvenated and it starts to function in the natural rhythm as it should.
  • `Prana` stream of energy is improved, as this leads to spiritual and emotional comfort.
  • The application of separate `Purvakarma` or `Panchakarma` methods can be dangerous and it can worsen the health of the patient.
  • In Ayurveda Clinic Bansko these methods are fulfilled in a series, in a definite order and under an Ayurveda doctor and practitioner`s supervision and control.
  • The Ayurveda methods of Purvakarma and Panchakarma are new revelations to the western medical field. However, their proven results have placed Purvakarma and Panchakarma among the most successful practices of medical treatments.
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