P-Dia 20


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Each 100g Contains: GM
Holarrhena Antidsenterica 07gm
Aegle Marmelos 05gm
Triognella Foenum Graecum 08gm
Eugenia Jambolana 12gm
Swerita Chirata 07gm
Momordica Charantia 10gm
Hibiscus Rosasinensis 10gm
Terminalia Arjuna 07gm
Glycyrrhiza glabra 05gm
Phyllanthus Emblica 05gm
Terminalia Belerica 04gm
Phyllanthus Neruri 02gm
Azadirachta Indica 01gm
Andrographis Paniculata 02gm
Cedrus deodara 02gm
Tinospora Cordifolia 02gm
Pterocarpus Marsupium 02gm
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum 02gm
Casearia Esculenta 02gm
Terminalia Chebula 05gm


Sodium Benzoate (I.P.)

Add 5gms of P-Dia 20 powder in a glass of boiled water and deep over night.
Next morning stir the mixture and drink it on empty stomach.

A Herbal solution is a well balancedcombination of herbs, which increase glucose utilization in tissues and reduces the glucose level in the blood. It also regenerates the pancreas cells to restore the fuctionof pancreas. By taking all the dietary precaution. P-Dia -20 help to regulate the blood glucose level within normal limit. Generally control over sugar level by p-dia 20 is expe-cted with 3 to 4 months


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